Welcome to Japan

The City of Natural Beauty

With a rich history aging back to the imperial capital known as Kyoto, cutting edge of technology in Tokyo,japanese cuisine and popular animations like anime and mangas revolve around the japanese culture. Traveling through cities with the super fast bullet train will ensure you safe travels around Japan allowing to explore not just these cities and monumental architecture, but the hidden gems like parks, and gardens. Other destinations like museums, national parks, historical monuments/landmarks, and the art and architecture that captures what japan is.

Koi Fish

Koi Fish are a symbol of many good qualities in japanese culture.As they swim agains current and overcome great obstacles, it represents strength, courgage, patience and successthrough perseverance.

Cherry Blossoms

"Cherry blossoms symbolize both birth and death, beauty and violence. They are a central motif in the Japanese worship of nature, but they have also historically signified the short but colorful life of the samurai. Sakura emblems also adorned the planes of kamikaze pilots during World War II."

Mount Fuji

Just 100 km from Tokyo, the mountain is surrounded by five lakes. One of the most symbolic figures to Japan , Mount Fuji,is loved for its beaty and symmetry.

Japanese Cuisine

1.Green Tea

valued for its health and restorative properties


Considered one of the best places to order ramen, is from the restaurant Tomita Ramen. It is so popular, that you have to get in line for a ticket for that day. Just like a buzzer in american restaurants that notify you when your table is ready, the ticket system tells you what time to go back.


Sushi Syomasa


Taiyaki Wakaba

Popular Anime and Gaming Stores

  1. Tokyo Character Street in Tokyo Station
  2. Gamers in Akihabara
  3. Jump Shop
  4. Mugiwara Shop- One Piece


Atomic Bomb Dome

A historical land mark as it is said in its name, The Atomic Bomb Dome located in Hiroshima was designed as a memorial to the people who once lived in the city before the end of world war two. Genbaku Dome was the only building that was left standing after the bombing killing 140,000 civilians.